A Biscuit Trail written by Jane Kelley
“Maggie, Micky, and friends finally figure out how to divide up the biscuits, only to find that someone has stolen them. Could one of them be the thief? With a little maths (and a little luck), the hungry kids set out to solve a mystery.”
Cat School written by Joy Cowley
“It’s Monday in Cat School and the cats are brushing up on their manners. But when something scary starts making noises outside the window, the cats remember one of the most important lessons of all!”
David Roser’s Tooth written by K.E Anderson
“How in the world did David Roser’s tooth get stuck in the drinking fountain? More importantly, how is he going to get it back out? Many ideas – good and bad – are flying around. David just wants his tooth, without having to wreck the school to get it.”
How Saynday Got the Sun written by Philippa Werry
“The animals are sad because their side of the world is dark. They can’t see and nothing will grow. Then Saynday has an idea that will bring them light – but will the animals be happy when their world is bright both day and night?”
Lucky Lindbergh written by Philippa Werry
“When Carl and Ashley learn their plane flight to Paris will take more than seven hours, they wonder how they will survive! Then they hear the amazing story of Charles Lindbergh’s daring flight – and the kids quickly forgot their troubles.”
That is so Gross! written by Rebecca Weber
“Cousin Steve is coming for dinner… and he is SO boring! Thomas and Mia decide that they will make dinner a little more interesting by telling horrible, gross stories. This doesn’t bother Steve, though. He knows some gross stories of his own!”