Free Reading Pen Update

Update includes all of our audio-series bringing Lingomagic & miniRAINBOWS onto the same pen as everything else.

Current from 26 May 2022: Instructions for the do-it-yourself free way can be downloaded here or viewed on this page below.

If you are having trouble or not confident to do this yourself, we are happy to do it for you at just $9.90 per pen. Simply contact us and let us know then ship to us.

We will return your pens subject to the shipping costs at the bottom of this page.

Only works with Silver pens.
Will not work with Blue, Green, Yellow (miniRAINBOW) pens. Nor, Red Lingomagic pens.
-All of these are out of warranty so are no longer supported.
However, for every pen you have purchased, you may replace it (as a trade-in) with a refurbished pen that can be purchased for half price here.


Series in this update


  1. Download the file at the link above, also provided here.
  2. Open the file so that it “unzips”.
  3. Copy all of the files.
  4. Plug your Reading Pen into the computer using the USB cord supplied with Reading Pen.
  5. Open USB Drive then the ‘EBOOK’ folder and paste the files into it (please make sure it’s in the correct folder in the Pen drive – otherwise it won’t work).
  6. When all files have been copied: safely disconnect the Reading Pen by ejecting it.
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