Free Samples

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SpeakOut Digital – Audio eBooks

Here you can a full sample of one of the resources provided in our Speak Out range.


Rainbow & Toxic – Audio eBooks

Here you can view full samples of one of the resources provided in our Digital Rainbows range.
Other resources include: A PDF of each book, Comprehension Questions and the following activities for each title:
• Cloze
• Dice Game
• Word Search
• Writing
• Text Sequencing

NOTE: Our Digital Rainbows range has 20 books in each of the 9 series.
These are links to one sample Audio-enhanced eBook from each series.

Matariki – Free Reader’s Theatre Script

Learn about Matariki and build fluency in reading with a FREE Speak Out Reader’s Theatre (SORT) script. Reader’s Theatre is play readings (much like radio acting/story dramatisations), with the emphasis being on fluent reading, without acting, props or costumes.

Please feel free to make copies for use by students in your school.

All SORT scripts are multi-levelled for groups of mixed ability so the more able readers support and provide a good model to the less fluent. SORT scripts all have audio support and are available in three sets of six copies of six scripts, with average reading levels at Years 4, 5 and 6.

Year 5 & 6 Boxed sets are now HALF PRICE

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