Reading Recovery Levels – (Suggested Comparisons)


In response to frequent requests for the Reading Recovery levels of our books, we have had the following Rainbow Reading series professionally levelled by Reading Recovery tutors: 

  • Silver Series (5 – 5½ year reading level)
  • White Series (5½ – 6 year reading level)
  • Red series (6 – 7 year reading level)

Many teachers have found Rainbow Reading to be useful for maintaining and building the reading fluency of students both during and after using the Reading Recovery programmes. We do not recommend Rainbow Reading as a replacement for Reading Recovery.

Rainbow Reading is also an effective programme for students who do not have access to Reading Recovery, however students do need to have first attained some basic reading skills such as:
– Being able to recognise the English alphabet and know how each letter sounds.
– Being able to recognise the basic high-frequency words.
– Have a reasonable knowledge of concepts about print especially one-to-one match and directionality.

Teachers are reminded that the Rainbow Reading Programme is designed to complement rather than replace existing literacy programmes. It provides supported reading that consolidates skills learned elsewhere.

Please note:

These are suggestions only as many factors, some exclusive to the individual student such as interest and background knowledge, affect the readability of books. Teachers should use their knowledge of the students and the books to guide their recommendation of titles to different students.

Reading Recovery Downloads:

Please see The Rainbow Wheel below for our list of silver, white and red titles with suggested Reading Recovery levels:

The Rainbow Wheel – Level Suggestions (PDF)


Further Reading

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