Arahia Books

Arahia Books aim to create resource packs with bilingual books that are user-friendly for teachers and parents, and engaging for tamariki. These books will also help teachers to meet the requirements of the first Standard for the Teaching Profession i.e. Treaty of Waitangi partnership – in respect of practising and developing the use of te reo and tikanga Māori. They also contribute to one of the Ministry of Education’s four national priorities – te reo matatini i.e. reading, writing and speaking.

Arahia Books align with the achievement objectives in the Māori language curriculum guidelines ( The books are also based on the kaupapa in the associated multimedia resource He Reo Tupu, He Reo Ora (

Click here to read a summary of the thesis the author of this series wrote for her PHD on: NON-MĀORI TEACHERS TEACHING MĀORI LANGUAGE IN ENGLISH-MEDIUM PRIMARY SCHOOLS.

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