Totally ToXic Series

In response to popular demand Rainbow Reading has published a second series of books with audio support specifically aimed at the interests of young males (but which we know many females will also enjoy).

This new series (a “brother” to the “ToXic” series) is again based on the proven formula of Rainbow Reading, but is not readily identifiable as such. It features fictional and non-fictional content that is humorous, slightly risque (body gunk, filthy and vile creatures etc) and informative to engage and delight reluctant readers.

Reading level is approx. 7 – 11 years with interest level well beyond and the audio (read by young men) is available on CD and “magic” audio pen. Accompanying activities include those also available for Rainbow Reading plus extra “Make and Do” activities which provide the need to read the instructions.

See also the series prequel: ToXic Series

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